Our church is not a place for spectators. It is a place for team members. Whether you are a five-year old child, a ninety-five year old grandmother, a busy mom, or a businessman or businesswoman with big responsibilities, we want you to be a part of our vibrant church community. Here is how you can learn, serve, and grow at this church.

King’s Kids (with Sue Hunter)

Throughout the school year (Sep-May), Wednesday nights are active at HICO.  The King’s Kids program is well known by the children for bible learning and games (ages 6-12).  Good clean competition and fun create a God-centered environment for children to learn while their parents are in Bible Study in the main church.  Click for more detail HICO Kings Kids

Sunbeams (with Angela Taylor and Katee Mundfrom)

Sunbeams are a group of Jesus-loving children that meet in a structured but fun environment to create special gifts to deliver to local shut-ins or those needing a bright shiny young face to bring a smile a small gift with a message about Jesus’ love for them.  Teaching children to be servants to the community can change their lives and those around them.

Youth Ministry (with Michelle Wood)

Each Sunday morning, children get to participate in their own classes. Bible lessons are taught in such a way that every child gets to participate and learn. Each of the class teachers is carefully screened and thoroughly trained in children’s instruction. The youth ministry of our church is recognized for their meaningful interaction with kids.

Young Adults & Junior Christians (with Tom Blevins)

Life can get complicated once you cross that nebulous threshold into adulthood. There are complicated decisions. Bigger stakes. Serious relationships. And a whole lot more decisions. The young adult group of our church provides a welcoming atmosphere for college and early-career aged young people.

Men’s Breakfast Group (1st Saturday of each month)

Accountability among men is an act of integrity. Accountability is designed to protect, encourage, and develop men of all ages. Accountability groups consist of three men each. Accountability groups meet together as their schedules allow and keep in touch by email or phone.

Family Fun Friday’s (3rd Friday of each month)

Bring family and friends for some good old fashioned games night, dinner, and dessert and fun for all ages.  We mix up the games — but whatever we play there is good competitive passion in the room!

Over 50’s
Once you get past fifty, the fun has just begun. Whether retired, just plain tired, or active as ever, the over-50 group of HICO Baptist provides refreshment, ministry, and times of valuable interaction.